BBN Routes & Projects

better bike network concept map

We collaborated with representatives of municipalities and relevant stakeholders to map out a Better Bike Network that’s convenient, connected, safe, and comfortable for everyone in and around Ithaca. We used survey and bikeshare use data and followed the prescribed guidelines for a Better Bike Network. The network is composed of two sections, one in the flats of Ithaca and the other connecting the urban and suburban municipalities on East Hill. Here’s how we’ll make it happen, together.

Local Stakeholders

  • City of Ithaca

  • Cornell University

  • Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council

  • Tompkins County (county routes)

  • Town of Ithaca

  • Town of Lansing

  • NYS Department of Transportation (state routes)

  • Village of Cayuga Heights

  • Village of Lansing

The proposal includes two networks – Ithaca’s Flats and East Hill – to recognize the different centers of activity between key locations throughout the urban, suburban, and collegiate neighborhoods in and around Ithaca.

Ithaca’s Flats

better bike network routes

The Better Bike Network is presented in a simplified “subway-style” map to show how neighborhoods and destinations should be connected together. Explore how the Better Bike Network could be realized on Ithaca’s existing streets by reading more about…

The Better Bike Network is presented in a simplified “subway-style” map to show how neighborhoods and destinations should be connected together. Explore how the Better Bike Network could be realized on Ithaca’s existing streets by reading more about your favorite route!

The flats of Ithaca lie in a basin at the end of Cayuga Lake. The gentle terrain and concentration of common destinations make it an ideal place for people who are new to bicycling.

Six Better Bike Routes will transform our disconnected bike map into a functional network, helping more residents feel comfortable traveling to work, school, shop, dine, and play by bicycle.

better bike network projects

A phased approach to infrastructure implementation will ensure that bare minimum Better Bike Network is established on Ithaca’s Flats by the end of Phase 1. A selection of Key Projects within Phase 1 allow for quick-build solutions that can be pilot tested or implemented now. Phase 2 rounds out the Better Bike Network with more route choices, creating a solid grid.

Existing Better Bike Network Routes

Phase 1 Better Bike Network Projects

Phase 2 Better Bike Network Projects

key projects

phase 1 projects

phase 2 projects

East Hill (In Progress)

We are in the process of working with stakeholders across all five municipalities and institutions that comprise East Hill: the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Cornell University, Village of Cayuga Heights, Town of Lansing, and the Village of Lansing. Watch this space as the routes are developed!