F4a: Create Spencer Road Living Street
Repave Spencer Rd from S Meadow St to Salvation Army exit and enhance family-friendly feel of neighborhood by traffic calming road to 10 mph using chicanes, paving elements, and vegetation
E1: Build Cecil Malone Shared-Use Path
Build bridge over flood control channel, and extend existing wide sidewalk near Nate’s Floral Estates to new bridge and Wegmans
A2: Extend Trail on Boynton Middle School Grounds
Improve wayfinding on ICSD property and add additional sidewalk north of parking lot to connect with East Shore Drive and Project A1.
C1: Repave Adams St & Madison St Bike Boulevard
Repave Adams and Madison Streets after utility trenching damage plus wear and tear, and repaint bicycle boulevard road markings to improve visibility of route.
A1: Build NY Route 13 Underpass Shared-Use Trail
Convene a taskforce between NYSDOT, Town of Ithaca, CWT, ICSD, and City of Ithaca. Upgrade gravel walkway to 11+ feet wide sidewalk, tighten all turning radii, and add lighting and public art where feasible.
F1: Repave Plain and Wood St. Bike Boulevards
Repave bike boulevards to provide a safe riding surface
E3: Build Six Mile Creek Trail (Wegmans to Plain St)
Connect Wegmans driveway to S Plain St with protected bike lane or shared use trail. Improve safety by adding signal priority and diverter at Meadow St. Repave parts of S Plain St.
E4: Create the Six Mile Creek Bridge Plaza
Convert one lane of Plain St bridge into plaza over creek with benches, trail info, public art, and add a cycle track along plaza curbside.
C3: Improve Major Crossings of Plain St Bike Boulevard
Chip seal or repave Plain St along most of this stretch. Improve intersection safety by adding diverters, painted bicycle lanes, and traffic signals where needed.