Action 1: Bike Skills in Schools
Ensure that each child can ride a bicycle by the time they enter middle school by offering riding and streets skills education.
Action 2: Adult Bike Classes
Let’s make it easy for adults to learn to become comfortable on bicycles by offering lessons.
Action 3: Traffic Safety Campaign
To increase road safety for people on bikes, seasonal safety campaigns should remind road users of best practices.
Action 1: Mini Open Streets Festivals
Let’s hold neighborhood-scale festivals in more neighborhoods around Tompkins County.
Action 2: Volunteer Bicycle Experts
Trained volunteer bicycling experts will serve as trusted resources at the right times in the right places.
Action 3: Social Marketing Campaign
Let’s launch a pro-bicycling campaign that depicts the diversity of the bicycling community and demonstrates local support for bicycling.
Action 4: Mini-Grants for Bike Programming
Let’s make mini-grants available to spur the development of bicycle programs and projects.
Action 1: Expand Community Bike Shops
Community bike shops provide bicycle ownership and repair options that are available at low-to-no cost, and support bicycling opportunities for a diverse group of users.
Action 2: Restore Bikesharing Services
Let’s bring back an affordable bikeshare and micromobility option to Ithaca and make it more accessible to everyone.
Action 3: Establish Equity-in-Bicycling Working Group
Let’s go beyond research and center the bicycling needs of and insight from folks that are part of underrepresented communities to truly make bicycling accessible to all.
Action 1: Community Leaders' Ride
Community leaders should get the opportunity to experience issues people face on a bicycle first-hand with a guided bicycle ride.
Action 2: Adopt Leading Bicycle-Friendly Policies
Local municipalities should adopt a Vision Zero Action Plan, a Bicycle Master Plan, and a Complete Streets Policy.
Action 3: Conduct Progress Evaluations Regularly
Progress evaluations for the Bicycling for Everyone Action Plan should be conducted at least every two years so that the plan remains relevant to our community’s needs.